Friday, April 30, 2010

Mmkay, about this Xtina Bullshiz...

Here's the new Xtina video everyone is freaking out about. They're saying she's copying Lady Gaga. If they're not saying that, they're saying she's copying Madonna. I don't really give a shit. I just wanna know who has worn a ball gag in a pop video before. I don't remember either Lady Gaga or Madonna doing that. Not that I think that is groundbreaking or cool or anything. Just that no one has mentioned that and it's Friday and I needed something to post and everyone is yammering on about this shit and I figured I might as well join the crowd and yammer on too and I wanted to say something I hadn't heard anyone else say yet. So I chose BALL GAG. Also, I like the red glitter lips. Those are cool. Though she hardly moves her mouth so they must have been a bitch to do and probably don't last very long/aren't practical for you and me to try to attempt at home. It's probably industrial strength glitter that will kill you or something. Or special "don't cough during my interview you peon" glitter made just for her. Anyway, here's the fucking video.

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