Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Sphinx is a Jinx

Isn't it hard
when it finally hits
that your lover
is less than a friend?

And all your exchanges
are just poor counterfeits
for tender too precious
to spend?

- Sphinx, Syd Straw

So the new ADD medicine makes me tired. Which is weird because it is basically, like, SPEED. My brain is apparently a chemical anomaly. And my pharmacist thinks I am a space alien, because I asked her, is this medicine supposed to make me tired? She gave me the strangest look, and said, Um, NO, it's actually supposed to have the opposite effect. But anyway, I'm supposed to give it about ten days and see if the effect is still the same. She said it could be "paradoxical side effects", which is exactly what it sounds like. Side effects that are the opposite of what is supposed to happen.

Ah, yes. Better living through chemistry.

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